What Should You Do If You’re Separating or Divorcing?


When you are divorcing your partner in England or Wales, there are a few things you should do.

In Scotland and Northern Ireland, what you do is distinct.

If you have kids

Your children’s financial assistance (‘child maintenance’) must be split between you and your ex-partner.

It would be best if you could create plans for your children’s care.

It’s important to note that agreeing to these terms is not the same as filing legal documents to end your partnership. 

If you’re currently married or in a civil partnership,

There are a few things you should know.

You must divide your assets and your money. Before finalizing the papers to divorce or end your civil partnership, you must apply to a court to make this legally binding.

If you’re not married or in a civil partnership, dividing money and property is different.

You’ve decided to go divorcing.

To terminate your marriage for good, get a divorce.

If you don’t want to be divorced, you have the following options:

The dissolution of your civil relationship

You have the legal right to end your civil relationship.

If you want to live apart without breaking your civil union, get a legal separation.

Making child-related, financial, and property arrangements

If you can form your arrangements, you can usually avoid having to go to court.

To officially dissolve your relationship, you’ll need to file legal documents with the court or make legally binding arrangements.

You might be able to seek some assistance in agreeing (using mediation, for example). Check to see if legal assistance is available for mediation.

If you’re divorcing an abusive relationship, you’ll almost always qualify for legal help for court costs.

Find out more.

You can acquire a piece of legal pieces of advice and information from the following sources: